British Columbia and the Canadian Rockies...

provide glacier filled range after glacier filled mountain range. Peaks in the sky, rivers of ice, and waterfalls plummeting hundreds of feet down mountainsides. Pristine forests of steeple high pines and hemlocks, lost lakes, and a coastline of islands, inlets, and mountain range spectacles. British Columbia is a mystique land where you can search for Grizzlies, mountain lions, and climbing mountain sheep. You can find your way through twisting, turning roads and sleep within the arms of mountains.

Click any image for a larger view  
Pacific Lighthouse

Mount Baker
across the lake

Knight Inlet
(The Rain Forest)

Mount Baker
Across the Pacific

Okanagan Train

Rocky Mountain Meadow

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You can buy a large, mounted original for $100+shipping and handling!! Each print is an original signed by Greg-the ghostbear.

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Website Copyright Alannah K Ashlie 2005-2010